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Blog Tour & Character Interview: The Weeping by O'Dell Hutchison+ Interview w/ Heath Ingram

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A Written Rhapsody: Blog Tour & Character Interview: The Weeping by O'Dell Hutchison+ Interview w/ Heath Ingram

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Tour & Character Interview: The Weeping by O'Dell Hutchison+ Interview w/ Heath Ingram

I usually add a book description with my reviews, but I didn't want to do that for this particular book. I initially read the description when I signed up for the tour, but when I got around to reading it, I was a bit hazy on major details other than it was a mystery involving a theatre. I'm actually really glad I didn't read the description again because it made the book into a puzzle I had to figure out. As a reader, I was immediately hooked on this story from the first sentence. I liked that I wasn't introduced to the main character right off the bat, but instead immediately taken into a scene of chaos where I didn't understand what was happening.

Once I was introduced to the main character, I was continually thrown into scenes that somehow always had a way of being haunting even when there wasn't really anything going on. Heath, our male lead, is a guy who had everything going for him, but then had his life completely shatter in an instant. With the little background knowledge, it was another miniature mystery trying to find out what exactly happened to him. Though the trauma was a bit predictable, I liked finding out what really happened as he began to feel more comfortable with characters and opened up because it felt as if he were opening up to me.

Being introduced to the number of side characters only makes the plot of this story more interesting even before odd occurrences start happening. Every character had a different personality that I wanted to know more about. Even if they were in few scenes, they all had a way of slightly impacting the story. As the more haunting elements come into play, the reader is deep into a thrilling mystery that becomes a "who-done-it" tale that kept me guessing to the very end.

With Hutchison's eerie undertones throughout the book, you'll be thrown into a plot that takes you on a number of journeys, with each one more exciting and intriguing than the last, and you won't want to put it down until you read every last twist and turn.

A.W.R. was lucky enough to score an interview with Heath during his off time! Read more about him below!
For those of us who don't know you, tell us a little about yourself.
Hmm, well, I’m from Seattle. I’m seventeen and I just graduated high school. Umm, I played baseball, and I had a scholarship for college, but after the accident… Let’s just say I can’t play baseball now. 
What do you do during your free time now?
I haven’t had a lot of free time since I got to Rock Harbor. I’m helping my uncle out at his theatre. It’s pretty busy. When I do have free time I hang out with my friends here.
What's your favorite childhood memory?
I would have to say winning the Little League baseball championship when I was thirteen. It was an awesome game. My friend Jake and I won the game for us. It was awesome.
Tell us a little about your friends (old or new, whatever you're comfortable with sharing).
They’re pretty cool. I just met them. Well, actually, I met Luke and Josie when I was younger, but I don’t really remember them. Luke’s a really nice guy. Josie’s really cool. She doesn’t take crap from anyone. We hang out a lot. Josie’s girlfriend Patrice is pretty cool too. Oh, and Molly. She’s sweet. I really like her.
How are you liking Rock Harbor?’s different. It’s a tourist town so it will be really quiet and then all of the sudden all of these people invade the town and crowd the beaches. There’s not much to do around here. The theatre is the main draw to the town.
I know you were unsure about the existence of ghosts, but do you believe in anything paranormal?
I don’t know, ya know? It’s weird. I never believed in any of that kind of stuff before, but there has been some really weird things going on lately. I don’t even know how to explain it. Totally freaky stuff has been happening. Yeah...
You were saying you felt as though you had "lost your mojo" when you first met Molly. Tell us about one of your old moves.
Ha ha, wow. Wasn’t expecting that one. I don’t really know that I had a specific move. It was just always very easy for me to talk to girls and stuff. 
What do you think you'll be doing five years from now?
I just really hope I’ve graduated college by then and I'm starting a new life for myself, ya know? I haven’t really given it much thought. I’d always dreamed about making the Major Leagues when I finished college. That was always my plan. Now I don’t know.
Thanks so much for stopping by, anything else you want to add before we go?
Thanks for stopping by. I hope everyone will come out and support the shows this summer at Rock Harbor Opera House. We’ve got some exciting stuff coming up!

Don't forget to check rest of the tour! Click the banner above for the schedule or head on over to Novel Nerd for an interview with O'Dell Hutchison!

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At March 1, 2012 at 3:05 AM , Anonymous odell85 said...

Thanks for having us today, Preet!

At March 1, 2012 at 3:28 AM , Anonymous Christina Kit. said...

Heath's already growing on me, just from this interview:)

You can almost sense his pain and how he's trying to get a new life for himself. And he sounds sweet.

About your review, I love it when things are creepy even when there's no haunting:)


At March 1, 2012 at 6:43 AM , Anonymous Queen of Hearts said...

I loved the interview - very in character :) - nice idea.

At March 6, 2012 at 5:54 AM , Anonymous Cayce E. said...

Great interview! Loved the ghost question/answer.

You have been awarded the One Lovely Blog Award!

At March 8, 2012 at 4:47 PM , Anonymous Jo Jones said...

Just following your link on BBPOL. Great interview. New follower.


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