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Spread ❤, Not Hate & Follower Friday

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A Written Rhapsody: Spread ❤, Not Hate & Follower Friday

Friday, February 3, 2012

Spread ❤, Not Hate & Follower Friday

I've been kind of lost on what to write about for this event for a while. I guess I've been one of the lucky ones since I haven't had too many issues when it comes to types of bullying. I was going to just do a positive message to share my support, but a few weeks ago I came across an event that hurt me deeply. 

I made a friend recently who I've become close to rather quickly. One day my friend told me he had a story to share with me.  As if it were no big deal, he proceeded to tell me that on his way home while walking with a friend he was stopped by a group of guys who began mocking him for the clothes he was wearing and how he looked. As he tried to ignore them and walk away, one of the strangers picked up a glass bottle off the street and threw it at his head while continuing to taunt him. 

Being told this story, I sat for a few minutes truly speechless.  I still don't understand how anyone could or would do that to someone. Verbally or physically hurting anyone for any reason is horrible, but to go out of your way to hurt someone you know nothing about physically in such a manner is downright offensive. Just because someone is a little different  doesn't give another person the right to treat them without respect. It hurts to know that there are people out there who live in a state of fear from peoples actions. We need to start respecting everyones differences. Just because we look different doesn't mean we have nothing in common right? We're all human after all. 

So this post is dedicated to one, the lady who saw the incident and took action to stop my friend from getting hurt, and to those who spread the love. Though this is a great cause to bring attention to, I hope we won't need to anymore in the future. 

Q: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kick ass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male?
A: I think my favorite characters usually have a great sense of humor or are somewhat sarcastic. I tend to love these characters more because I have a fairly sarcastic personality as well. As far as male characters go, I tend to fall for either the really sweet guys or the mysterious and confident males. What about you all?

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At February 3, 2012 at 12:12 AM , Anonymous Oh! Paper Pages said...

Great answer! I also enjoy sarcasm and humor.

At February 3, 2012 at 4:26 AM , Anonymous Kah Cherub said...

Right! I can't believe I forgot about humor! Such an important trait. :) I'm a follower.

At February 3, 2012 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Eileen Li said...

I love people with senses of humors as well, mainly because they can drag me out of a really sour mood. As for the Spread Love, Not Hate part of Friday, I love that meme! I think I'll try it out! I think that bullying is a huge issue and has to be dealt with as soon as possible.

At February 4, 2012 at 10:07 AM , Anonymous The Muggle said...

A great sense of humor does take a character far!

The Muggle
-If you have a moment please nominate your favorite cover here.


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