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Music Notes: Drake- Take Care

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A Written Rhapsody: Music Notes: Drake- Take Care

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Music Notes: Drake- Take Care

  1. Over My Dead Body
  2. Shot For Me
  3. Headlines
  4. Crew Love ft. The Weeknd
  5. Take Care ft. Rihanna
  6. Marvins Room
  7. Under Ground Kings
  8. We’ll Be fine
  9. Make Me Proud ft. Nicki Minaj
  10. Lord Knows ft. Rick Ross
  11. Cameras
  12. Doing It Wrong
  13. The Real Her ft. Andre 3000 & Lil Wayne
  14. Look What You’ve Done
  15. HYFR ft. Lil Wayne
  16. Practice
  17. The Ride

I don't know why so many people have an issue with Drake. I've been a fan of his for a while, and I actually enjoy that he doesn't try to be something he isn't. He's never tried to fit in as a "hardcore" type of rapper while being in the limelight. He sings about his life whether it be hardships, relationships or his mom.

This album took a different route and leaked a few tracks before the album was released to let listeners get a taste of the album. "Take Care" has definitely taken a darker turn than compared to his other releases, but it isn't any less amazing than his other albums. Drake changes from his battling ways with slower and smoother beats where he's just as honest about his life and thoughts.

Drake opens the album with his usual lyrical swag as he expresses his struggles and thanks. As the album continues, he puts a pause on his rap flows and takes a softer and deeper approach to various relationship issues he's had in the past. After the first half of the album being full of emotastic gloom, we start hearing heavier beats with tracks like "We'll Be Fine" and "Underground Kings" that are more reminiscent of his earlier albums. As the album comes to a close, we begin to mellow out once more with songs featuring light backgrounds with harmonica solos by Stevie Wonder.

Though this album is a bit more emo than his other albums, Drake was pretty ballsy to release this type of album. It's a definite change from his usual rapping ways that made him a star, but still has something for his usual and new fans combined. By mixing his usual rapping word play and not witholding from sharing his softer side, Drake's able to create a balance that's refreshing from typical hip-hop albums.



At November 19, 2011 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous Nina Happyendings said...

I love Rihanna sound, so that song with Drake is awesome. :)

At November 19, 2011 at 9:26 AM , Anonymous Amanda @ Letters Inside Out said...

I still can't help but picture him on Degrassi. ;o (This is all)

Oh, btw, for some reason this post never came through on triberr, you might wanna try importing your feed again? Soooo weird. :\


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